The Benefits of Social Activities for Seniors

Activities to Keep You Engaged and Socially Active

Studies show that seniors who stay socially active and engaged experience a variety of benefits- staying connected with others helps give you a sense of purpose and a true sense of belonging.

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You already know that staying physically active in your autumn years offers a variety of health benefits, like lessening chronic pain, delaying and preventing certain diseases, and helping you recover faster from an illness or injury. And, while exercise is extremely important for a high quality of life, the connections you make with others and the relationships you continue to build also have a major impact on your overall wellness.

Studies show that seniors who stay socially active and engaged experience a variety of benefits, including:

  • Better cognitive function. Social activities keep us sharp and mentally engaged, and this is important to prevent the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Maintaining good emotional health. Connecting with others helps keep you in a positive mood, which in turn wards off depression.
  • Improving physical health. Socially active seniors tend to be more physically active, too. Plus, you tend to eat more and make better food choices when you eat with others.
  • Boosted immune system. Studies show that seniors who stay engaged with others, and life around them, have higher levels of immune-system functioning.
  • Enjoying restful sleep. If you have difficulty sleeping at night, it could be that you’re feeling isolated and lonely. Research shows that people who have more fulfilling relationships in their lives tend to sleep better than those who don’t.
  • Increased longevity. Live a longer, happier life by keeping your social circle strong. Friends and loved ones help you deal with life’s daily stresses, and are often key to encouraging you to live a healthier lifestyle, too.