America’s senior population is currently living through an epidemic of loneliness—a problem that researchers first began to observe during the second half of the 20th century. Ac...
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Even if you don't have any muscular pain right now, the research shows that doing strength exercises on a regular basis can help avoid future muscle pains and disorders. Chair Exercise for Seniors
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Did you know that regular exercise can have a direct impact on your eye health? Exercise is an important aspect of preserving healthy vision for the rest of your life. Regular exercise will not only keep you fit, but it will also keep your visual health in check.
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Lower Body standing workout. Lower body strength is key to our independence. Work your way up to 10 minutes, stop and rest when you need to. Modify the workout your way! #seniors #chairexercise #elderly #strength #strongerseniors
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It is critical for your health to remain active in your later years. The recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week for healthy adults over the age of 65 can help keep muscles strong and allow people to participate in all of their favorite activities. But,...
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Balance is something most people take for granted until it’s challenged by a medical condition, medication or advanced age, which dulls our balance senses and causes most seniors to gradually become less stable on their feet over time.
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Presently 96, Gray isn't quitting at any point in the near future. She walks several miles most days, and contends in around three 5Ks consistently. She thanks walking for keeping her physically sound.
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In the time of Covid, we've made numerous changes in accordance with our every day lives. Quite possibly the most difficult things has been keeping up or in any event, setting up sound exercise propensities. A blast of alternatives have hit the ...
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Yesterday I asked if he'd like to join me while I work out to your videos – or at least watch while I exercise. He agreed and pulled up a chair beside me and we did the 'S...
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Very beneficial....I’ve been using this video through my independent living center. In the last several months I have gained so much strength that surprises me. Before starting this I co...
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