The talk test is one of the most popular, simple and convenient methods of gauging exercise intensity.

How it works: Talking is reliant on your ability to breathe — specifically exhale. When you exercise your breathing rate increases as your need for oxygen increases. The faster your breathing rate, the harder it is to talk.

The talk test works on this premise – the harder you exercise, the harder it is to talk. So, by simply monitoring that, you can gauge whether you’re exercising at low, moderate, or high intensity.

  • Recovery & Fitness Zone: carry on a conversation.
  • Aerobic Zone: speak in short sentences.
  • Lactate threshold: utter single words.
  • Anaerobic Zone: grunting, unable to speak.

Next time you are working out, try chatting to a friend and monitor your speech patterns. If you can tell them where you are going for your holiday, and what you’re going to pack, wear, see and do without pausing for breath you probably exercising below the aerobic zone.

If you are reduced to single words, you are probably exercising in the lactate threshold zone.

Generally, most training is done in the aerobic zone. You should be able to comfortably carry on a conversation by speaking in short sentences. It takes a little bit more work, but it’s not uncomfortable. This is often referred to as the sweet spot of cardiovascular training.

Limitations: Reliable for measuring intensity when you are exercising within your optimal aerobic zone (65% – 80% of maximum heart rate). For your workouts outside this zone, other techniques of monitoring intensity are useful.