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While senior caregiving responsibilities may change from day to day, some fundamental tasks remain the same when caring for an aging parent or senior loved one.When you employ a caregiver for yourself or an elderly loved one, you can expect their duties to include:<...
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The primary need with aging is to be well, to maintain or, more importantly, to improve one's ability to function optimally. As you get older, this need translates into the ability to care for yourself – even with simple daily tasks like taking a shower or bath without assi...
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Swimming is a great way to relax both the body and the mind, so it can help to reduce stress and anxiety while also promoting overall well-being and boosting mental health. Swimming, when combined with the social benefits of group exercises and activities, is an effective acti...
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Today we thank The Renaissance Retirement Residence in Victoria, BC for joining the Stronger Seniors Chair Exercise family. The Renaissance has been serving seniors for 22 years in beautiful British Columbia. Chair Exercise Video for Seniors
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Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all th...
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Presently 96, Gray isn't quitting at any point in the near future. She walks several miles most days, and contends in around three 5Ks consistently. She thanks walking for keeping her physically sound.
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In the time of Covid, we've made numerous changes in accordance with our every day lives. Quite possibly the most difficult things has been keeping up or in any event, setting up sound exercise propensities. A blast of alternatives have hit the ...
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Yesterday I asked if he'd like to join me while I work out to your videos – or at least watch while I exercise. He agreed and pulled up a chair beside me and we did the 'S...
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Very beneficial....I’ve been using this video through my independent living center. In the last several months I have gained so much strength that surprises me. Before starting this I co...
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