Fit people come in every shape and size. Shape isn't a look.The ability to live the life you want, have energy, and enjoy your body's natural knack for movement is what fitness is.
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Consider yoga a spiritual workout. Like a muscle, it needs to be worked out and exercised in order to get stronger and more toned. When you practice yoga, you empty your mind of the "noise" that keeps you from focusing on what's truly important, making room for innovation.
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Do you live longer if you exercise? While you've probably heard that exercise is beneficial for you a million times, fresh research on its far-reaching advantages is something that everyone in their forties or older needs to hear. The latest research indicates that ...
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Your mobility will deteriorate as you age. The best way to reverse that is by trying basic chair exercises. And now that you've learned a few of them, you'll see that you don't even need a gym to improve your health. Try these workouts and start you...
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It is critical for your health to remain active in your later years. The recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week for healthy adults over the age of 65 can help keep muscles strong and allow people to participate in all of their favorite activities. But,...
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Today we thank The Renaissance Retirement Residence in Victoria, BC for joining the Stronger Seniors Chair Exercise family. The Renaissance has been serving seniors for 22 years in beautiful British Columbia. Chair Exercise Video for Seniors
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Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all th...
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Balance is something most people take for granted until it’s challenged by a medical condition, medication or advanced age, which dulls our balance senses and causes most seniors to gradually become less stable on their feet over time.
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Presently 96, Gray isn't quitting at any point in the near future. She walks several miles most days, and contends in around three 5Ks consistently. She thanks walking for keeping her physically sound.
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In the time of Covid, we've made numerous changes in accordance with our every day lives. Quite possibly the most difficult things has been keeping up or in any event, setting up sound exercise propensities. A blast of alternatives have hit the ...
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