Yoga's Restorative Effects

Consider yoga a spiritual workout. Like a muscle, it needs to be worked out and exercised in order to get stronger and more toned. When you practice yoga, you empty your mind of the "noise" that keeps you from focusing on what's truly important, making room for innovation.
Yoga's Restorative Effects

Physical activity and spirituality are two of the most effective ways to improve one's health and well-being. Each can play a vital role in preventing illness and early mortality.

Because of its ability to improve both your physical and mental health, yoga is an invaluable tool for any Health Hero.

Train Your Muscles

Yoga has been shown to have beneficial effects on a person's physical health. If you incorporate yoga into your routine on a regular basis, you may expect to see a leaner, stronger physique in no time. Some of the most impressive effects, however, are not immediately apparent.

The more consistently you train, the greater your chances of seeing improvements in your health, including but not limited to: blood pressure, heart health, flexibility, muscle strength, posture, lung function, blood sugar, immunity, and bone health (critical to warding off osteoporosis).
Improve Your Thought Process

Common perceptions of health focus solely on physical aspects. A Health Hero, however, is aware that one's mental fortitude is ultimately limitless.

It's incredible that something as straightforward as mental exercise can have such a positive impact on one's quality of life and even lengthen one's life expectancy.

Consider yoga a spiritual workout. Like a muscle, it needs to be worked out and exercised in order to get stronger and more toned. When you practice yoga, you empty your mind of the "noise" that keeps you from focusing on what's truly important, making room for innovation.

Having this newfound confidence allows you to make deeper, more meaningful discoveries about who you are. Finding your own unique set of abilities and desires becomes more obvious. You'll find it simpler to channel your energy into productive pursuits and original ideas. Just doing that opens up a world of possibilities, answers, and meaning.

We all know that stress can be deadly, but did you know that yoga is one of the best ways to relax and unwind? Taking deep breaths and concentrating on your yoga positions has been shown to relieve stress and anxiety. The fight-or-flight reaction is reduced when you attain a more relaxed state and soothe your nervous system.

A common belief is that yoga can help with depression. Actually, hatha yoga, when practiced twice weekly for 90 minutes, can greatly alleviate the intensity of depression symptoms, according to a study published on March 16 in PLOS ONE.

Relationships, even romantic ones, can be enhanced. If you are calm and in tune with yourself, you will be able to share that energy with your partner.

Begin your Yoga journey here...                                 

Reconceptualizing One's Existence

Think about how different your life could be if these changes occurred in your physical and mental makeup. If you were healthier, had more stamina, less stress, better concentration, and a deeper sense of meaning in life, how would you spend your time differently? It's possible you'd find new ways to appreciate life.

Recommendations for Mental and Physical Wellness

Decide to start living each day with intent. If you only have a few minutes, try doing some yoga. If you're caught in a rut at work or simply don't have much free time, try this simple yet effective yoga pose you can do in the comfort of your own home or cubicle (try cat pose, forward fold and seated twist, as shown in the accompanying illustrations). All that's required is someplace to sit or stand. Incorporating yoga into your daily routine is an excellent way to reap the many mental and physical health benefits of the practice and to become closer to your spiritual self.