Senior-Friendly New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Maintain

Do you set goals for the upcoming year? Every year offers an opportunity for a new beginning as it comes to a conclusion. Many people make unrealistic and restricted objectives for themselves, such beginning new fitness regimens or diets. This may cause you to break your resolutions after only a few weeks of the new year.
Senior-Friendly New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Maintain

The good news is that it can be avoided in certain ways. And the first step in doing that is establishing long-term, attainable goals. See these healthy New Year's resolutions seniors can really stick to if you're ready to start the new year off joyful and healthy!

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Reduce Your Sitting and Increase Your Movement
One of the most crucial things you can do for your health is to exercise regularly. Regretfully, by the age of 75, one in two women and one in three men do not exercise. The good news is that you can always start now. So why not resolve to move more and sit less this year?

The recommended weekly amount of moderate-intensity aerobic activity for older individuals is 150 minutes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This can be divided into five days a week of 30-minute workouts. If you're prepared to start moving, have a look at these simple senior workouts!

It’s easy to do 30 minutes a day, or 3 10-min workouts. Stronger Seniors has free 10 min workouts you can choose from. Click here to view:

Engage Your Mind
Everything that humans do, including our emotions, motor abilities, eyesight, respiration, body temperature, hunger, and memory, is controlled by the brain, an essential organ. This is the reason it's so crucial to maintain the health of your brain. It's simple to incorporate brain exercises into your routine, and it's a good, long-term resolve to make.

You can start out slowly by playing games like Soduko, crossword puzzles, or even make your own jigsaw puzzles for 10 to 20 minutes a day. Learning a new skill, writing, and reading are additional ways to keep your mind active. Take a look at these elderly memory-boosting exercises!

Improve Sleep Quality
It's crucial to have good sleep at any age. It enhances your focus and memory, aids in the healing of damaged cells in your body, and many other aspects of your mental and physical well-being. Make it a goal to improve your sleep quality this year if you think you could.

The good news is that you can start taking action right away to improve your quality of sleep. To begin with, you should establish a calming and pleasant atmosphere, relax before bed, and adhere to a sleep routine. See these senior sleeping suggestions for extra inspiration.

Give Yourself Some Time
It's time for you to start taking proper care of yourself because you've dedicated your entire life to serving others. Self-care is very crucial for preserving your health and may even help fend off chronic diseases. Make time for self-care this year.

Making sure you see self-care as self-care rather than selfishness is the first step. Remember that it doesn't need to be difficult or time-consuming. Start modest by having a daily bath, going for a stroll, or obtaining a little more sleep. Make the decision to pursue your happy pursuits.

Consume Whole Foods
This year, instead of going on a diet, concentrate on giving your body more whole meals. Diets can be unsustainable and extremely restrictive, making them difficult to stick to. You could find it more sustainable if you concentrate on making healthy lifestyle adjustments like eating more fruits and vegetables and indulging in harmful foods sparingly.

Nuts, seeds, whole grains, seafood, veggies, and fruits are a few excellent examples of entire foods. These foods are a great source of the nutrients your body need. Research indicates that eating a diet high in whole foods may help lower the risk of heart disease and other conditions including type 2 diabetes.

Emphasize Gratitude
Your health may benefit from concentrating on your thankfulness rather than the unpleasant parts of your life. According to a study, people who wrote about gratitude actually felt better, were more upbeat, saw their doctor less frequently, and exercised more.

Why don't you aim to concentrate on gratitude this year? Maintaining a thankfulness notebook is a simple way to get started on this. Spend five to ten minutes each day listing the things for which you are thankful. You'll be able to reflect on all the good things that have occurred in a year.

Employ Sanitizers
The things you put in your body matter just as much as the things you put on it. Your health may also be impacted by the goods you use at home. You might thus wish to make the move to cleaner products your New Year's resolve this year.

You might begin by replacing your personal hygiene and cosmetics products with natural ones. You should switch to cleaner options because these products are usually applied to your skin and absorbed into it. Next, search for natural or eco-friendly products by going through your laundry detergent and home cleaners.

Continue Having Medical Exams
Now is the perfect time to begin looking after your health! It's crucial to see your doctor on a frequent basis in order to identify possible issues before they worsen. A minimum of once a year should be spent visiting your primary care physician.

Dental health is equally essential! Make it a goal to continue brushing and flossing on a regular basis. This will help to prevent gum disease and other oral health issues. Additionally, be sure to visit your dentist at least once a year and to avoid skipping your dental exams.

Be Useful
This year could be a great time to start volunteering if you haven't before. Seniors who volunteer can benefit greatly from many health advantages. Volunteering has been linked to lower rates of sadness and stress, according to research.

Additionally, volunteering keeps your mind and body engaged. Additionally, it might help you feel purposeful. Finally, because you'll get to know new people and form new ties, it also supports your continued social activity.

Take Up a New Interest
It's normal to give up hobbies, particularly when life gets hectic. But what better way to pass the time in retirement than taking up a new or previously enjoyed hobby? Indeed, studies indicate that engaging in hobbies might contribute to a longer and better life!

Make it a goal to set aside time this year to engage in an enjoyable and exciting pastime. If you're not sure where to begin, consider these beneficial pastimes for seniors!