Time to Get Up!

Exercise bursts may be especially beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. According to one study, moving for three minutes every half hour improved blood glucose levels in type 2 adults.

Chair Exercise for Seniors

Time to Get Up!
Here's some encouraging news: Increasing your health may be as simple as getting up more frequently! Long periods of sitting increase your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature death. However, interspersing sedentary time with light activity helps reduce those risks while also resulting in stronger muscles and a higher daily calorie burn. Furthermore, being more active will improve your insulin sensitivity and may aid in the reduction of LDL ('bad') cholesterol.

The Diabetes Standards of Medical Care recommend that everyone break up periods of sitting with brief activity every 30 minutes, but mini exercise bursts may be especially beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. According to one study, moving for three minutes every half hour improved blood glucose levels in type 2 adults.

So, every half-hour, try one of these activities to get the blood flowing and the oxygen to circulating.

1. Take a deep breath.
Inhale for five counts while raising your arms overhead. Then, as you lower your arms, exhale for five counts. Repeat.

2. Arrange a playdate
Instead of sitting on the sidelines, get up and play with your children or grandchildren. Bonus points if you push a swing or give piggyback rides!

3. Walk in place, raising your knees as high as possible.
the hips until your back is nearly parallel to the floor, then return to your starting position.

4. Execute a plié
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, your toes pointing out 45 degrees, and one hand on a table or counter. As you rise up, keep your shoulders aligned over your hips and bend your knees out to the sides until your thighs are nearly parallel to the floor.

5. Obtain a Balance
Place your feet together and your arms at your sides. Bend your right knee and lift your right foot off the floor behind you. Lift your arms overhead, palms together, while keeping your right foot raised. Lower your arms to your sides, then repeat while balancing on the same foot. After 30 seconds, switch to your left foot lifted and repeat.

6. Take a leap!
Jump as if you were holding a rope. Count how many hops you can do in a minute so you can try to beat your previous best time.

7. Take a step forward
Place your hands on an adjacent wall or handrail for support as you stand at the bottom of a staircase. Step forward with your right foot, then with your left. In the same order, take the next step down. Continue for 30 seconds, then switch to your left foot and repeat.

8. Shoulder roll
Place your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Raise your shoulders toward your ears and slowly rotate them back, down, and forward in a circle. Continue for 30 seconds, then reverse the direction.

9. Tidy Up Vacuuming, emptying the dishwasher, and organizing a drawer all count as moving!