America’s senior population is currently living through an epidemic of loneliness—a problem that researchers first began to observe during the second half of the 20th century. Ac...
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Some people are lonely or socially isolated, which makes them vulnerable to abuse. As a result of cognitive decline, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to assess risk or recognize when something is amiss, even when you are in your fifties. As a result, your ability to m...
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Whether or not you’ve gotten used to to connecting with family, friends and colleagues over Zoom and FaceTime—virtual life is becoming a new reality for all of us. Chair Exercise for Seniors
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Medicare Advantage Plans Boost Healthy Perks “These benefits are focused on keeping people well and can save the beneficiary and the plan a lot of money in the long run,” Exercise for Seniors DVD
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"We found a strong association between life purpose and mortality in the US," said the study's lead author, Leigh Pearce of the University of Michigan School of Public Health. Chair Exercise DVD
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1. Social Security is not going bankrupt
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The Palm Valley Animal Center (Edinburgh, TX) aiming to place a cat or dog over the age of seven with a person over the age of 60. It’s called the “Seniors for Seniors” program. Shelter officials say senior pets often have the least chance of being adopted ...
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In the images, a sweet group of folks including Gladys, 86, Arnie, 81, Marie, 97, Loretta, 94 and three-quarter...
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There’s an old saying that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Turns out that’s true. A large and growing body of behav...
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