Tips for Selecting a Medicare Advantage or Part D Prescription Plan in a Year of Historical Change
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If you are one of the approximately 66 million Americans who receive health care via Medicare, it is time to check your options and ensure you have the medical coverage you require at the lowest possible cost. Most enrollees will use the six-week open enrollment period

The Inflation Reduction Act lowers out-of-pocket prescription expenses, caps insulin copays, and provides free immunizations.
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Prescription drugs cost a lot of money for seniors. People over the age of 65, on average, take 14–18 prescription medications per year. Unfortunately, the cost of prescription drugs has steadily risen over the years, putting significant financial strain on seniors....
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Review your Annual Notice of Change Your current Medicare health care provider must send you an annual notice of change by September 30. This notice outlines any changes in coverage, costs or service areas that ...
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Seniors — and their financial and insurance advisors — are searching for innovative ways to use existing assets to help pay for their costs of living in retirement, including their health care cost, in this down economy. The absence of solutions often means that these costs...
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Enrolling in Medicare? Don't Make This Giant Mistake It pays to enroll in Medicare on time if you're no longer covered by a group health plan through a job (either yours or your spouse's), because paying for private insurance out of pocket could be astronomical.
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Medicare Costs - The older we get, the more health care we need — and medical care is expensive. Medicare, the government’s health insurance program for seniors, helps with those costs. Chair Exercise Video
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Medicare Advantage Plans Boost Healthy Perks “These benefits are focused on keeping people well and can save the beneficiary and the plan a lot of money in the long run,” Exercise for Seniors DVD
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Between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7, Medicare participants can make changes to their plan(s). Here are a few reasons you may want to take advantage of this open enrollment period. Chair Exercise for Seniors
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