The key to healthy aging is keeping the elderly active and independent, not only physically but also mentally. Physical activity is recognized as a preventive strategy for aging-related complications, lowering the risk of falls, injuries, and even t...
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Here we focus on our core- abdominals, lower back, and pelvic floor. Your Core must be strong in order to: Provide a strong foundation for excellent overall fitness and health Support your spine Support your internal organs Maintain g...
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Exercising after 50 is possible and necessary to better deal with the problems of the elderly. To do this, some of the keys to take into account are strength training, finding an exercise partner, and doing yoga. Feeling good and comfortable with yourself is possible...
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We are so grateful to Julie Schmanke at Arbor Court Retirement Community in Topeka, Kansas. A group there uses the Stronger Seniors Chair Exercise DVDs to stay healthy!
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